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  • There are many types of emergencies, but initial care is similar: stay calm, keep your dog warm and quiet, contact your veterinarian, and get help to transport your pet to a veterinarian. Common emergencies are described including gastric dilatation and volvulus (GDV), acute hemorrhagic diarrhea, anaphylaxis, automobile injury, seizures, respiratory distress, eye injury, eclampsia, heatstroke, heart failure, toxin ingestion and collapse.

  • Emodepside/praziquantel (brand name Profender®), is an antiparasitic drug used to treat and control hookworms, roundworms, and tapeworms in cats. Empodepside with praziquantel comes in topical solution form that is applied directly to the skin.

  • Enalapril is used on and off label and is given by mouth or injection to treat heart failure, high blood pressure, chronic kidney disease, or proteinuria. Common side effects include loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, and tiredness. Do not use in pets that are allergic to it, have an acute kidney injury, or have certain heart conditions.

  • Encephalitozoonsis is a parasitic infection that can affect the kidneys, eyes, and nervous systems of rabbits. Many infected rabbits do not develop clinical signs until they are older or if they become stressed or immunocompromised. Common signs that may develop include heavy white plaques/growths inside one or both eyes, head tilt, eye twitching, and tremors or seizures. Treatments are available, though not all rabbits respond.

  • Endocarditis is an infection of a heart valve, most often affecting the mitral or aortic valve. It can arise any time that bacteria enter the bloodstream, though it is more common when the heart valve has already been damaged for some other reason. The clinical signs of endocarditis are often nonspecific in the early stages, but may progress to include signs of heart failure later in the course of the disease. The diagnosis and treatment of endocarditis can present a challenge, requiring multiple tests and prolonged courses of antibiotic therapy.

  • Endocarditis is an infection of a heart valve, most often affecting the mitral or aortic valve. It can arise any time that bacteria enter the bloodstream, though it is more common when the heart valve has already been damaged for some other reason. This handout discusses the causes, clinical signs, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of this condition.

  • Heart Disease in Cats

    Las enfermedades cardíacas son condiciones muy graves tanto en perros como en gatos, y como en personas. Los gatos normalmente no desarrollan arterioesclerosis o enfermedades de las arterias coronarias, como ocurre comúnmente en los humanos.

  • Anal Sac Disease in Cats

    Los sacos anales son dos pequeñas bolsas localizadas a ambos lados del ano, aproximadamente en posición de las agujas del reloj marcando las 4 y las 8. Las paredes de los sacos anales contienen numerosas glándulas sebáceas (sudor) que producen un fluido con un olor muy desagradable para los humanos.

  • Heartworm Disease in Cats

    El gusano del corazón es un parásito de la sangre llamado Dirofilaria immitis que reside en el corazón o en los grandes vasos sanguíneos de los animales infectados.

  • Feline Leukemia Virus Disease Complex

    El virus de la leucemia felina (FeLV) es una de las enfermedades infecciosas virales más importantes en gatos. Cuando se describió por primera vez se identificó como una forma de leucemia, y de ahí su nombre. El FeLV provoca diferentes enfermedades, no solo la leucemia.