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What’s Nastiness is Hiding in That Lump On Your Pet’s Skin? Find out which is one of the grossest of all. Read here and then come back and SHARE with us in the COMMENTS – Has your pet ever had what Dr. Coates wrote about? What is the grossest condition your pet has had? Go ahead and include details, we’ll skip breakfast for this one. :P

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What’s Nastiness is Hiding in That Lump On Your Pet’s Skin? Find out which is one of the grossest of all. Read here and then come back and SHARE with us in the COMMENTS – Has your pet ever had what Dr. Coates wrote about? What is the grossest condition your pet has had? Go ahead and include details, we’ll skip breakfast for this one. 😛

Great News on the Canine Cancer Front

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In honor of November’s National Pet Cancer Awareness Month I would like to share some “hot off the press” wonderfully optimistic news with you. Dr. Nicola Mason from the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine has been researching a new way to treat osteosarcoma, an aggressive and fatal form of bone cancer that has an affinity for growing within the leg bones of large and giant- breed dogs.

Until now, treatment of osteosarcoma has consisted primarily of amputation (removal) of …

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Is Your Cat an Extrovert or an Introvert?

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Dr. Coates is a veterinarian based in the other “Sunshine State” – that’s Colorado to the rest of you – where she lives and plays with a varied range of animals. She shares her professional and personal experiences, Monday through Friday, here on petMD’s blog, the Fully Vetted. Log in for your daily dose of her insight and wisdom. Nov 14, 2013 Is Your Cat an Extrovert or an Introvert? by Dr. Jennifer Coates, DVM Share Save to mypetMDWe often talk about people being extroverts or introverts. Merriam …

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Pet Diabetes: Is Your Pet at Risk?

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I remember the first few times I diagnosed diabetes (also known as diabetes mellitus) in someone’s pet, I was met with a shocked, “Pets can get diabetes?” The same phenomenon happened with cancer, heart failure and a host of other diseases. I rarely get that quizzical look anymore, which I think is testament to the success of public information campaigns like Pet Diabetes Month, which…

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Digestive Problems: Causes, Signs and Treatments. Just like us, our pets get upset stomachs, too. How can you tell, and what can you do to help your pet feel better? Read more and SHARE your own tips for comforting your pet’s upset tummy in the COMMENTS.

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Digestive Problems: Causes, Signs and Treatments. Just like us, our pets get upset stomachs, too. How can you tell, and what can you do to help your pet feel better? Read more and SHARE your own tips for comforting your pet’s upset tummy in the COMMENTS.

November is Adopt a Senior Pet Month!

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If you’re thinking of adopting a pet from your local animal shelter, we’d like to start by thanking you. And in the spirit of Adopt a Senior Pet Month, we’d like to ask you to consider some of the advantages of adopting an older cat or dog. Far too often, senior cats and dogs are overlooked in shelters […]

The post November is Adopt a Senior Pet Month! appeared first on MyPetED.

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