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Tips for Camping With Your Dog

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While not all dogs are cut out for it, camping can be a fun activity you can enjoy with your dog if you’re both the outdoorsy-type. If you think your dog would be up for it, there are things you can do to help ensure a successful trip. Before you leave: Do your research – […]

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How to Get Your Cat to Take Medicine

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Medicating a cat is sometimes one of the most challenging tasks a cat owner must face. But with a little advance preparation, it doesn’t have to be difficult.

Before you attempt to medicate your cat, get all your supplies together. Have the medication handy, along with a treat to make the experience more pleasant for your cat, and a towel for wrapping your cat if necessary.

To give a liquid medication, place your cat on a flat surface, facing away from you with his hindquarters against your body. …

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Summer Heat Stroke and Dogs

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Summer temperatures are soaring! Even the short walk from the veterinary clinic to my car makes me hot enough to need a cool drink of water. Just imagine how the dogs staying outdoors during the summer feel! They get overheated, too! Overheating goes by many names including heat exhaustion, heat stroke, or heat prostration. No […]

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